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MANIFEST ANYTHING With These Journal Prompts 💰 💖 🏝 🏡 👩‍❤️‍👨 🚘 🚀

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

Have you heard all about manifesting in journaling, but you're unclear on how they both go together so that you can quickly manifest anything you desire?

In today's video, I'm going to share with you my top five journaling prompts that are going to turn you into a manifesting machine. Plus, I'm going to be sharing with you an extra powerful bonus tip that not many people know about it, that’ll have you amping up your manifesting muscles!

So let's jump right into the most powerful journaling prompts for easily attracting anything that you desire. But before we get started with the five journaling prompts, I just want to ask you, have you ever journaled before, did you do it for a purpose?

Some people like to do it to help to get clarity on something when they're feeling stuck.

Some people like to do it as more of a diary, but I like to journal in order to manifest my dream life. And that's what I'm going to show you how to do today.

Today I'm going to show you the five best journaling prompts that have helped me and hundreds of my clients to create lives that we absolutely love!

Journaling Prompt 1,

“Describe my dream day and as much detail as possible, the sights, the smells, the sounds, the feelings, the people.”

As somebody who loves to daydream, this is my absolute favorite journaling prompt. Right now, in this moment, you may know exactly what you don't want for your future, but maybe you don't have a really clear picture on what you do want - the home you want to live in, the location of that home, the kind of car you want to have, the relationships, the activities, and experiences, the travel, the business or the career. This is a great way to get really clear on what you do want your future to look like, to feel like, and to be like. You’re going to find that the more you use this prompt, the clearer and clearer your vision becomes.

I challenge you to start using this today.

Journaling Prompt 2.

“If I believed that anything is possible, what would I be doing, feeling seeing or experiencing?”

Too often, we put so many limitations on what we think and believe that we're capable of. We tell ourselves that we're too old or that it's silly to want the things that we really want. But what if anything was possible for you? What would your life be like? This is a great time to brainstorm all of the amazing ideas that you might have that you could potentially do with your life. And then narrow down that list to those things that really light you up and get you so excited. And dream big here. There's nobody looking over your shoulder, telling you that it's right, or that it's wrong. This is just for you.

Everything is possible if you believe it to be true. And start doing that today.

Journaling prompt 3.

“Once I have the life that I desire, how will it improve my life and the lives of the people that I care about?”

Oftentimes we tend to hold ourselves back and play small with our own lives, because we worry about how it's going to impact other people or what they're going to think or say. But what if you were to shift your thinking to - "by improving my life, how is it also going to improve the lives of the people that I care about most?"

  • If you're creating a life that's fulfilling and fabulous to you, how is it going to have a positive impact on those closest to you?

  • If you're happier and more fulfilled, how is it going to change the atmosphere in your household?

  • If you have a career that you absolutely love instead of a job that you hate or just don't enjoy, how is that going to impact the people that come into contact with you?

Write down all of the amazing ways that your life and the lives of others is going to improve when you live a fulfilling and fabulous life.

Journaling prompt 4.

“What can I begin doing today to manifest the life that I desire?”

Creating a life that you love might seem overwhelming at first, but what if you were to simply think about that next best step?

What's that one thing that you can begin doing today, that's going to move you closer to your dream life?

  • Maybe you want to look at the local colleges offerings to see if there's a course that gets you excited.

  • Or maybe you want to create a profile on an online dating site, so you can find your soulmate.

  • Or maybe you want to throw away the cookies that are in the cabinet so that you can start making healthier choices.

Again, brainstorm all of the things that come up for you that you could possibly do and choose the one that speaks to you the most.

Journaling prompt 5.

This is another one of my all time favorite prompts.

And as part of this last tip, I want to share a bonus tip with you that is sure to have you manifesting your dream life quicker than ever. It's called future pacing. And this is the simple process of speaking about those things that you desire as if you already happened.

“I am so happy and grateful for…”, or “I am so happy and grateful now that…”, and finish that sentence.

So as you're writing, "I'm so happy and grateful for my two healthy, happy, wonderful children", which is something that you already have, I want your next prompt to be something that you desire to have. So if you want to manifest $10,000 or more in your bank account, your next journal entry could be, "I'm so happy and grateful for the $10,000 or more that's in my bank account".

By mixing things up what you already have with things that you desire to have, you're sending a message to the universe that you already have those things. And that you're so grateful. And as you may already know, the universe’s answer to everything that you declare is “Yes”. So be sure that you're focusing on the money that you do want, not the bills that you don't want.

So again, journal prompt number five is “I am so happy and grateful for…” or "I am so happy and grateful now that..."

Would you like additional help in Manifesting Money (or anything else in your life)?

If this sounds like something that you'd like to start using in your own life, then I'd love to have you join my 28 Day Extreme Manifestation Course that uses everything that I taught you today and helps you to become an extreme manifester in just 28 days.

And if you're really looking to live that fulfilling and fabulous life after 50, then I'd love for you to join the FREE masterclass that I have for you. That dives deep into the five proven steps for living a fulfilling and fabulous life after 50. In this masterclass, you're going to learn the exact process that I use, and that all of my students have been using, to manifest the life of our dreams. And at the end of that master class, you're going to have the opportunity to submit an application for the program. So if this is something that interests you, then I want you to click here to save your seat for the Fulfilled & Fabulous After 50 masterclass, which is absolutely free for you to attend.

And if you're looking for a community where you're going to have access to a group of women who are going to support you and cheer you on, then I want you to click here to join our Facebook group.

In the meantime, leave a comment below with your thoughts and your questions. I'd love to hear from you. And I will try my very best to reply to every single comment.

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