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Updated: Feb 16, 2021

Are you a woman over 50 who feels like life is passing you by so quickly? Like you've got so many items on your bucket list and you're just not checking them off nearly as quickly as you'd like to? Or maybe you're waiting for your retirement to come so that you can finally start checking items off your bucket list? If that's you then stick around, because today I'm going to share with you how a woman over 50 (me) was able to completely transform her life and begin checking items off her bucket list in just two months.

As a rapid success coach for women over 50, I've mentored hundreds and hundreds of women to create lives that they absolutely desire, while living the life of my dreams, like I said, traveling the United States in my motorhome named Bessie. And now it's your turn to live the life of your dreams!

So let's jump right in so I can share with you how I was able to manifest the life of my dreams in just two months.

This all started back in June of this year, when I received the lease renewal from the leasing office of the apartment that I had been in for the past two and a half years. They sent me an email and it basically said, you've got 48 hours to let us know are you staying for another year or are you going to be out in two months? In that moment I knew I had a huge decision to make. Do I stay in the apartment that was just fine? In a town that was just fine? Or do I decide to not renew my lease and set out to find a better option for me in just two months? There was absolutely nothing wrong with the apartment I was living in. It was big, it was bright, it was sunny. And some of my nearest and dearest friends lived right down the street, but I also felt stifled there. I had no outdoor space, which I really need, and it was so far away from the ocean and most of my friends. Plus it was costing me quite a bit of money every month to live there, and I was never one to spend a whole lot of money on my housing expenses, because I'd rather use that money on experiencing life. So in that moment, I decided to give up the apartment, knowing that I had only two months to find my next home.

Now, as soon as I notified the leasing office that I wasn't going to renew my lease, I felt a huge sense of peace, because I absolutely believed that this was the right decision for me in that moment. It wasn't a safe decision, but it was the right decision for me. I focused all of my intentions and energies on all of this working out the way that it was supposed to work. And I never once thought what if this doesn't work or maybe this wasn't the right decision.

I made the decision and I moved forward on this new path as if it was the only option because it was. I gave myself no safety net. I had no backup plan. No plan B. Making this work, whatever it was going to be, was my only option. And this reminded me of a quote that I had heard so many times before, but never quite understood it. And it talks about leaping off a cliff and building your wings on the way down. And that's exactly how I felt in that moment. I had no idea what was on the other side as I fell off this cliff, but I knew that I had the ability to build my own wings.

Have you ever made a huge decision that was going to greatly impact your life when you didn't have all the answers yet? How did that make you feel? Comment below and let us know.

The two month deadline did give me a sense of urgency, but not panic. I knew that I would find the perfect home for myself & my two cute critters in two months, but I had no idea where this home was going to be. So I begin every day by journaling, meditating, and using those positive affirmations that I talk about in this video and this video. And I began to focus my intention on finding a new home and manifesting and abundance of money that I needed to purchase it so that I didn't have to take any money out of my savings account. And I just two days after not renewing my lease, I had one of those bolt of lightning moments while I was meditating. "You've always said you wanted to travel North America in an RV when you retire, why don't you do that now? You don't need to wait until you retire. You can absolutely do it right now.”

I got goosebumps. I got chills. It was like, of course, why do I keep saying I need to wait till I retire? When I don’t. Since I run my business from my computer, my two sons are both grown and out of the house, and I'm young and healthy, this seemed like the perfect time for me to travel around the United States in that RV. Why wait until I'm retired and potentially not in the best of health, right? Why put off tomorrow, what we can do today? And then things really started to fall into place. And the very next day, I received a huge check in the mail from a totally unexpected place that allowed me the money to buy a motorhome and not take any money out of my savings account. I absolutely was able to manifest the money that I required at that perfect, exact right time. And if you follow the steps in this video, you're going to become an extreme manifestor too.

So within three days of having this first thought, or download, or vision that I had, whatever you want to call it, I found Bessie the most perfect motorhome. She was in the town right next to me. I was the first person to look at it and she fit every single one of my needs. So I bought her on the spot. It was as if her and I were meant to go on this journey together. She was in great shape. She just needed a little bit of renovations, but other than that, she perfectly suited every single one of my needs. And I was so blessed to be able to keep her at a friend's house so that I could repaint her, remove all the carpet and install new flooring and make her as homey and cozy as I needed her to be if she was going to be my home. She needed to be a place that I absolutely wanted to spend all my time.

And my friends were kind enough to show me how to set everything up, how to take everything down and how to use all of the systems. Oh, did I forget to mention that I had never done any of this before and I didn't let not knowing how to use her to stop me from living my dream life. I always knew that I could figure things out along the way. I'm intelligent. I have common sense, and I have YouTube. And the people who go camping are some of the kindest, helpful, most supportive people that you're ever going to want to meet. So I knew if I was ever in a bind, I could simply ask a neighbor for help. Again, I didn't let not having all of the answers stop me from living my dream life.

So I spent two entire months renovating Bessie, getting rid of 99% of all my stuff, so that everything I owned could fit neatly into my 22’ long home. This part wasn't always easy, but I kept reminding myself that it's just stuff. And I could always repurchase something if I discovered that I really, really needed it.

Now, this whole transition, certainly wasn't easy. And at times I felt like I had way too many balls in the air, but on August 17th of this year, just two months after I decided not to renew my lease, Bessie and I, along with my cats, Pumba and Mittens, hit the road to travel to the national parks and other amazing sites here in the United States. And I began checking items off like to do list.

Would you like additional help in Manifesting Money (or anything else in your life)?

If this sounds like something that you'd like to start using in your own life, then I'd love to have you join my 28 Day Extreme Manifestation Course that uses everything that I taught you today and helps you to become an extreme manifester in just 28 days.

And if you're really looking to live that fulfilling and fabulous life after 50, then I'd love for you to join the FREE masterclass that I have for you. That dives deep into the five proven steps for living a fulfilling and fabulous life after 50. In this masterclass, you're going to learn the exact process that I use, and that all of my students have been using, to manifest the life of our dreams. And at the end of that master class, you're going to have the opportunity to submit an application for the program. So if this is something that interests you, then I want you to click here to save your seat for the Fulfilled & Fabulous After 50 masterclass, which is absolutely free for you to attend.

And if you're looking for a community where you're going to have access to a group of women who are going to support you and cheer you on, then I want you to click here to join our Facebook group.

In the meantime, leave a comment below with your thoughts and your questions. I'd love to hear from you. And I will try my very best to reply to every single comment.

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